First of all, we would like to thank the Office of the Provost and the Office of the DVC Research, without whose generous funding of the project, this journal could not have been published. We would also like to thank our reviewers for this issue:
- Dr Trudy Ambler, Director of Learning and Teaching - Arts, Macquarie University
- Professor Mark Baker, Proteomics Chemistry & Biomolecular Sciences, Macquarie University
- Dr Agnes Bosanquet, Lecturer, Learning and Teaching Centre, Macquarie University
- Professor Angela Brew, Learning and Teaching Centre, Macquarie University
- Dr Kevin Brooks, Senior Lecturer, Psychology, Macquarie University
- Dr Kwok L. Chung, Electrical engineering, University of Technology, Sydney
- Dr Gina Colvin, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
- Professor Robyn Dowling, Environment & Geography, Macquarie University
- Aron Downie, Lecturer, Chiropractic, Macquarie University
- Associate Professor Elaine Evans, Accounting and Corporate Governance, Macquarie University
- Ademir Hajdarpasic, undergraduate student Law and History, Macquarie University
- Dr Ian Jamie, Senior Lecturer, Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences, Macquarie University
- Evan Jewell, PhD student, Ancient History, Columbia University
- Professor Susan Jones, Faculty of Zoology, University of Tasmania
- Jacqueline Kenney, BlendSync project manager, Education, Macquarie University
- Lilia Mantai, Research Assistant, Learning and Teaching, Macquarie University
- Kate Matthew, Lecturer, Arts and Social Sciences, Australian Catholic University
- Alice McClymont, PhD Candidate, Ancient History, Macquarie University
- Professor Peter Nelson, Associate Dean Research, Environment & Geography, Macquarie University
- Dr Melanie Nguyen, Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences, Behavioral and Social Sciences in Health, The University of Sydney
- Dr Mitch Parsell, Director of Learning and Teaching, Faculty of Human Sciences, Macquarie University
- Dr Helen Pask, MQ Innovation Fellow, Physics and Astronomy, Macquarie University
- Professor Jacqueline Phillips, (CORE) and Director, Medical Research Unit, Macquarie University
- Dr Stefan Popenici, Senior Lecturer, Learning and Teaching Centre, Macquarie University
- Dr Helena Sit, Learning and Teaching Centre, Macquarie University
- Associate Professor Goran Strkalj, Department of Chiropractic, Macquarie University
- Grazyna Tydda, Associate University Librarian, Macquarie University
- Dr Penny Van Bergen, Education, Macquarie University
- Associate Professor Subramanyam Vemulpad, Department of Chiropractic, Macquarie University
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